The denotation of this advert is a boy with a football; the
connotation is a young teenage boy who is in his estate playing football, looks
quite independent.
The red colours have synergy with font, as it represents
blood and gore which is linked with the historic font used for the copy. The
black and white background highlights how the boy in colour is the most
important factor of the advert. The lighting in the image is quite dull and
dark, this is done to emphasise the main character that is in colour rather
than black and white like the rest of the edited image. This suggests that
wearing products by Nike make you as an individual stand out from the crowd,
which would appeal to the audience and make them want to consume the product.
The font is very urban like the picture itself, and the tag
line is very large so it stands out. The font in large 'who rules?' looks as if
it has been written as graffiti; the background is also set in some type of
estate, so the font suits the whole image in itself.
This is a long shot that promotes Nike, The lines from the
sky are all pointing towards the focal point which is the boy playing football
as the rest of the background isn't significant, and he is in colour maybe to
show how football brings vibrancy in his life, and the contrast of the
background and the boy could show escapism from his community.
The product is aimed mostly towards a male audience who live
an urban lifestyle as the background looks very dark and gritty, from a female’s
perspective this advert wouldn't be very appealing as the colours are very
dull, even though there are some bright colours used such as red and yellow.
Also there is a male who is playing football in the advert, which is the focal
point of the image, and football is typically dominated by males, so this
advert would generally attract young teenage boys.
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