Consider the reasons media products from your case study arw presented across a range of media platforms?
1) Introduce Case study - ill manors and belle
2) State what the essay will be about and speak about the director of the film
Para 1:
1) Print work for ill manors - title portrays image of estate buildings
2) Urban atmosphere presented throughout print attracts targetted audience
3) GQ magazine - different interpretation of Ben Drew: he talks about his fitness. This also targets a much higher class audience most likely to be ABC1 Demographics
4) Male Gaze - Laura Malvey; speak about how this may attract the audience
Para 2:
1) Broadcast; speak about the SBTV interview and how he is shown to be determined and hardworking towards the movie.
2) Jonnathon Ross Show - targets a different audience. They talk about how his success contributes to what hes doing. He is presented to be hard working young director.
3) Tedx lecture; this targets a whole different audince. He speaks about politics which interests higher class people.
Para 3:
1) E - Media: how do social networking aites promote the tag london campaign?
2) How is the tag london campaign presented? What does it achieve? What aidiences does it attract?
3) Facebook page - promotes fan page, fans can stay up fo date with what is going on in ill manors.
4) ill manors website: presents the movie, introduces the cast as well as promoting the social networking sites.
Para 4:
1) Compare ill manors to own case study.
2) Speak about the platforms.
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