The show would be broadcasted at around 9pm as majority of
soaps are broadcasted at this period of time due to the high amount of viewers.
This period of time is called the prime time. This would be a
good time to put my show on because majority of the flag-ship soaps are
watching TV and this will give my show a bigger audience.
The show would involve both teens and adults to widen the
target audience as BBC Three is mainly watched by a young adult audience due to
the channel being much more entertaining and low brow than something
that elders would choose to watch.
The teenagers in this show would be represented equally with
the adults, that being said both of the age groups would have a negative and a
positive image due to the controversy that certain characters will
create through their interactions throughout the story.
The main target audience would range from 14-25 and it would
mainly consist of lower to middle class families. 40% Female and 60% male
viewers due to this being a soap opera therefore it will involve portions of
each gender.
The whole idea behind this show would be to entertain it's
audience through the fictional story.
A realistic environment involving a young teen who gets
himself mixed with many twists to generate interest through controversy.
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