Monday, 13 October 2014

Blogger Feedback

WWW: Some good depth to the advert analyses and I like your presentation feedback for the parallel/contrapuntal sound task.

EBI: So much missing work - where is the lighting stills analysis? Film noir research? These need to be posted over the weekend so I can check them on Monday. The work that is there contains some good points but so little depth. One short paragraph for each film poster will never offer enough detail for A Level study. It's a huge step up and you need to offer a lot more than you are currently - in terms of effort, attendance and blog work.

LR: Reflect on your first month of AS Media. What is your strongest piece of work so far? What is your weakest? What specific skills or knowledge do you need to develop over the rest of the course?

The first month of AS Media has been extremely difficult, its made me realise how different the step between A-level and GCSE is and how the work is harder and also much more time consuming. However now that I'm starting to settle in the course I know I will try my best this year.  In terms of what my strongest piece of work was - I'd say most of my best work has come from the exam side, for example the analysis for my RBK and Nike Adverts as well as my work on the Media Consumption. My weakest piece of work so far would be the Aspects of Film Language which lacked depth and media related key words. A specific skill I need to work on is being punctual and more organised in lessons which would then make me do my work at a higher standard than before.

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